Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques That Make Quitting Easy
- You really want to quit smoking for good but you worry what it might be like when you don’t have a cigarette?
- You know you are sabotaging your health but you are afraid of the cravings?
- You resent the way the addiction has made you so dependant?
- You love it and hate it at the same time?
- The habit has taken over?
- You don’t like the way people avoid close contact because of the smell on your breath or on your clothes?
- You believe that it is too hard to quit?
- You are afraid to try (again) and fail?
Addiction is Not Your Fault
I want to help you to stop smoking permanently and completely, which is why I have studied the nature of nicotine addiction.
I use advanced psychological techniques that work in the part of the brain where addiction lives.
In nicotine addiction, the dopamine system which is part of the reward system in the brain, is hijacked by the chemicals in cigarettes. It feels like it's doing you a favour, but it's actually a cruel trick. It's like falling in love with a poisonous snake.
The reward system, which is part of the survival system, unwittingly turns against you, causing you to crave something that ultimately damages or destroys you.
The human is the only animal on the planet that smokes, most other animals run away from smoke.
It doesn't make sense, but the addiction lives in the part of the brain that can't think, so it can't make sense of it.
The problem is the brain, not you.
In other words… (worth repeating again) it’s not your fault!
Neuroscience has given us the answer. We now understand how to activate neuroplacticity using advanced hypnotherapy and brain working techniques.
Some of the Benefits of Quitting
- Experience both immediate and long term health benefits
- Reduce your risk of serious illness
- Learn how to overcome the physical, mental and emotional aspects of addiction
- Save money
- Breathe easier
- Have more energy
- Enhance your taste buds
- Smell nicer
- Age slower
- Take back control
Recent research is now showing that stopping smoking may boost mental health. A recent review of studies suggests that people who stop smoking have less anxiety, depression, and stress compared with those who continue to smoke. [Ref: “Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis” (Published 13 February 2014 - BMJ 2014;348:g1151)]
We have known the benefits on physical health for many years, but now psychological health is shown to benefit too once those that give up are through the withdrawal stage.
The new research has looked at 26 different studies, measuring levels of anxiety, depression, stress, positive attitude, and quality of life. Most of the studies followed the people for several months or years.
What the new study says
Compared with people who continued to smoke, those who stopped smoking scored better in all the areas of mental health studied. The improvements were similar regardless of whether people had been diagnosed with a specific illness, such as depression, or not.
What does this mean for me?
If you would like to stop smoking but are concerned about how this might affect your mood or level of stress, these findings are encouraging.
The biggest motivation comes from your most emotionally powerful reason to quit. Maybe you want to look and feel younger - you might be noticing more wrinkles or saggy skin than you would like to see; you are probably wasting a lot of money on cigarettes per month and would rather do something else with the money; maybe you try avoid physical contact with your children because of your breath or the smell of smoke on your skin and find you are missing out on precious moments. Only you can find that motivation. Once you do, the rest is straight forward.
If you think it’s going to be hard, it will be hard. However if you ask for help, there are ways of making the path to non-smoking so much easier. Hypnotherapy helps you to create the mindset of being a winner.
Cancer Research
Cancer Research UK says smoking kills five times more people than road accidents, overdoses, murder, suicide and HIV together. Stopping smoking has immediate health benefits. It lowers your blood pressure and reduces your pulse after only 20 minutes. Within eight hours, oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal. After two days your sense of taste and smell start to return. Long-term benefits include reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and other cancers.
Action Plan
If you are already looking at ways to quit, look no further – book an appointment today and choose freedom.
Hypnotherapy Reprogrammes The Mind for Success
Every time you finish a cigarette and put it out - you effectively stop smoking, so in one respect, you stop smoking several times a day.
Hypnotherapy can help you to never pick up a cigarette again.
Hypnotherapy has been shown to re-programme the mind with new beliefs, so that you don’t just stop smoking, you effectively get help to become a non-smoker.
Is Hypnotherapy a Last Resort?
A Stop Smoking client may arrive at my door as a last resort.
I have seen defeat, guilt and stress on the faces of most people who have tried and failed to give up. He/she will probably already have tried the patches, the electric cigarette, the gum or the lozenges or read a book about how to do it. The body language of such a client tells me more than words could ever say. There may be additional worries about weight gain, anxiety attacks or stress if they do manage to give up.
Many smokers are in denial of health issues, they just ignore them.
Hypnotherapy brings you face to face with your fears about quitting, and helps you to overcome them.
Discover the freedom that hypnotherapy brings.
The Stop Smoking Programme
My new Stop Smoking Programme is designed to work with you as an individual, because we are all different. and we have different life circumstances.
I don't work with everyone. I only work with people who are ready to quit and committed to permanently and completely stop smoking.
When you sign up with me, you will have a three month window and if there is any sign of temptation you can call me straight away and book in a further session. This is usually not necessary, but I offer you a further session anyway to deal with any stresses in life.
Because you are an individual, I ask a lot of questions and I use the information you provide to create a programme that is tailored to your needs.
On the BIG DAY, the session lasts about two and a half hours. There is also some preparatory work to be done before hand. The follow up session is anytime within 3 months.
Contact me now if you are serious about quitting and book a free 20 minute chat, or a one-hour discovery session (at a small cost) to ask any questions and find out if we are a good fit to work together.
Contact me now and let's get started. There is no time like the present. Give yourself the gift of quitting. You deserve to be a free-breather.