Believe in Yourself – You Are Stronger Than You Think
Welcome back to my page for a new year. I hope you enjoyed some quality time off to relax and recharge. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2025. Let’s start where we are and move forward together in confidence and ease. Firstly, well done for getting where you are today, perhaps you have had […]
I'm so pleased to share some feedback from a client who was alcohol dependent for many years and wanted to quit for health reasons. We worked together some months ago and today I received a lovely message from her: "...It has been 103 days and not a drop has passed my lips. I feel better, […]
Therapy Cats are now available as part of a consultation! They are great listeners, they offer support and comfort, they never judge and they ooze positive regard, love and affection. Many of my clients have already benefited from interacting with Snowy & Ziggy. They know exactly how to help without saying a word! These two […]
If you are wondering about how you would benefit from hypnosis, and what to expect from a session of hypnotherapy, I’d like to assure you of your safety, confidentiality and comfort. In order to prevent overwhelm and burnout, build emotional resilience and ensure you remain effective and efficient in your day to day life, looking […]
For hundreds of years, people have tried to understand hypnosis and come up with a logical explanation about what it is and what it isn’t, but the best way to find out more about hypnosis is to experience it for yourself. One of the curious thing about hypnosis is, it’s not about what you think […]
Do you sometimes struggle to maintain new habits and behaviours, getting pulled back into older more familiar ways of being and doing? February is that time of the year when old patterns and habits can be difficult to shift, or new patterns and habits hard to establish. After the rush of Christmas and getting through […]
Do negative or unhelpful thoughts ever overwhelm you, repeat in a loop, become obsessive, demand attention or try to sabotage you? Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) might be the answer. "ACT gets you in touch with what really matters in the big picture: your heart’s deepest desires for whom you want to be and […]
Emotional or mental blocks are often caused by trauma. "Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you." - Gabor Mate Have you ever felt blocked, unable to move forward towards your ambitions and dreams? Emotional or mental blocks are often created in […]
Find excitement in the work you do Welcome back after the summer. It certainly feels like Autumn, there was a shift yesterday, a slight nip that told me change is in the air. We all love summer, but there is something special about the change of seasons. I love the freshness of Autumn. How has […]
If you were a fly on the wall of your own mind, what would you hear and how would it make you feel? We have roughly 70,000 thoughts a day - how many are helpful? Are you your own cheerleader or chief critic? Your brain looks for evidence of what you think and believe and […]
Does the thought of having a blood test make you feel faint? Do you want to have a tattoo but couldn't face having a needle? Would you like to try acupuncture but the thought of needles freaks you out? You are definitely not alone in this fear. One of my clients said this recently, about […]
Trichotillomania: How to Stop Pulling Out Your Hair
It may sound strange, but the habit of pulling out your hair is very common. Many people do it in secret and it's not only women that do it - men do it too! It can be any bodily hair, including the hair on your head, eyebrows, eyelashes, or beard. I am delighted to share […]
Normal forgetfulness is a natural symptom of ageing, we all forget things from time to time, like where we put the car keys or where we parked the car. However, if forgetfulness is accompanied by confusion, difficulty in making decisions, or changes in mood or behaviour it might be something more serious like a NeuroCognitive […]
I have been noticing lately that some people believe they can’t prioritise their own goals because someone or something else needs their attention. They never put themselves first and believe that others’ needs are more important than theirs. I have heard many excuses for not sticking to a plan or not pursuing a goal, […]
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Anonymous. I find the practice of a regular mini meditation to be a great benefit in staying calm. You can slot it into your day around whatever else you are doing. Professor Daniel Siegel, UCLA School of Medicine, says that “Relaxation is […]
The weekend is over and it’s Monday again. For many, it’s back to the grindstone, getting up early, working hard and feeling tired already. I don’t know about you, but I love Mondays and I love the excitement of a fresh start. It’s a new opportunity to get back on track with motivation and desire […]
Hi there, I hope you are doing well today. If you are anything like me, life can be pretty hectic sometimes. It's all go go go. I'm taking some time out this morning to enjoy the sunshine streaming in through the window as I sit here with my cup of early morning tea. I […]
Surrender and Manifest Podcast – “Activate Your Inner Cheetah”
Have you ever really wanted to do something and felt really excited about it, but at the same time a bit nervous? I can relate. That was me last week. I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was beating faster. I was preparing to talk on a podcast for the very first time […]
We may recognise the obvious signs of anxiety in ourselves or in others but some people are good at hiding it and put on a brave face. Like the iceberg, only 10% is above the surface while 90% remains hidden. Many clients that come to me for help with anxiety issues say that they feel […]
Say no to diets, change your mindset change your life. Healthy happy attitudes – insistence, persistence, commitment; Healthy happy body – movement, activity, body confidence; Healthy happy choices – delicious, nutritious, satisfying, rewarding natural food; Healthy happy company – spending quality time with family, friends and loved ones; Healthy happy desires – tell me what […]