


Mind Wandering
Mind wandering is essential for a healthy brain. We all do it naturally but it can be most rewarding to plan it into the day. The Default Mode Network (DMN) also know as The Imagination Network, is about introspection. This is a part of the brain that looks at different ways to predict positive or […]
Crossing the River Of Change and finding your Ideal Self
Do you have a goal or a strong desire to change in some way? do you want to live life in the flow, feeling calm, organised and comfortable with clear focused thinking.  Would you prefer to feel emotionally grounded and have all the confidence you need so that you can perform at your best, at […]
The Starfish Story
The Starfish Story - by Loren Eiseley One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it back into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, "What are you doing?" The boy replied, "Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is […]
Loving Kindness
It is World Kindness Day today, the perfect time to share the Loving Kindness meditation. The Loving-Kindness Meditation (also called “Metta”) is a tradition that has roots in many different cultures.  It is a gentle but powerful form of mindful meditation that cultivates the spirit of loving kindness as a way of opening your heart to […]
Heart Focused Therapy
I'm very excited to share my news! I've just received my new qualification as a HeartMath Certified Practitioner for Stress, Anxiety & Self Regulation. Woohoo!!! Breathe into your heart and feel the love! I've been using the HeartMath tools and techniques for a few years myself and incorporated them into my life on a daily […]
Be Brave & Break Free from the chains of Addiction
Be brave. No matter how hard it is. You can do this. You have overcome many challenges before. This is just a bigger one. You are not alone in this. What does freedom mean to you? Imagine being free. Use the power of visualisation. See yourself liberated. Free from the chains of suffering. What would […]
What’s so good about therapy?
Life brings many ups and downs and sometimes the downs can seem insurmountable. It is understandable that we might look for support in navigating a way through. As a trained professional, it is my job to help you on your journey of self-discovery so you can explore your thoughts, feelings and life challenges in a […]
Don’t Worry – Be Happy!
Have you ever found yourself worrying obsessively about something? Do you feel unable to stop the onslaught of worrisome thoughts that flow into your mind in an attempt to find an insight or answer to your problems? We have all been there from time to time and sadly discover that going over and over the […]
Grief Can Hold A Person Hostage For Years – Professional Therapy Can Hold the key
One of the major sources of depression is the immense psychological pain of unresolved grief. If you have lost a loved one, you may be feeling very alone or isolated in your grief.  You may wonder if you will ever get over it. When a loved one dies, you know nothing will ever bring them […]
10 Steps To Achieve Your Personal Goals
Maybe you set some goals in January, or some other time. How is it going? If you are like most people, the initial rush of motivation wears off and you find yourself right back at the starting line, thinking "I really need to get back on track". Knowing what to do is one thing, but […]
10 Steps to Overcome Procrastination
Do you want to overcome procrastination? if so, hang on, I'm just watching a You Tube video about cats....I'll be with you in a minute. Get yourself a cup of tea, have a break and read my article! I'm featured in the Hypnotherapy Directory where registered professional hypnotherapists are listed. Click here to view it.
Help for PTSD
Help For PTSD (Case Study) It’s not only soldiers coming back from the war who suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). It could happen to you or me. PTSD is classed as an anxiety disorder. The stressor is unusually severe, outside of what we might think of as a typical human experience, and is […]
10 Easy Steps to Self-Hypnosis
10 Easy Steps To Self Hypnosis Learn how to engage your imagination using self-hypnosis to create an empowering mindset that will enhance your success and achievement in any area of your life. I’m lucky that I’ve always had a healthy imagination that works for my benefit. I can activate a happy or a funny scene […]
Stop Smoking
Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques That Make Quitting Easy You really want to quit smoking for good but you worry what it might be like when you don’t have a cigarette? You know you are sabotaging your health but you are afraid of the cravings? You resent the way the addiction has made you so dependant? You […]
Yawn Like A Tiger to Refocus Your Brain
If you have a lot going on, and you find yourself procrastinating or getting side-tracked when you really need to be getting on with what you are doing, a simple Yawn-Stretch-Relax exercise can re-focus your brain on what's important.According to Mark Waldman, one of the world's leading experts on the brain, communication and spirituality, this […]
Healthy Weight Loss
How to stop your emotional brain from hijacking healthy weight loss Trying to be healthy or trying to lose weight can trigger the survival instinct and cause “All or Nothing” thinking which leads to stress.Are you familiar with the recurrent pattern of being good, eating healthy, exercising, sticking to your plan all day, and then […]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.)
If you, or someone you love, suffer from this distressing and debilitating illness, you may already be at your wits end. I may be able to help.My husband suffered from this illness for 2 years before we knew what was wrong with him and he had to retire from work at the age of 45. […]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Good News for IBS Sufferers – Hypnotherapy can help relieve most symptoms in more than 80% of cases Hypnotherapy is one of the recommended interventions for people with IBS who do not respond to traditional pharmacological treatments and who go on to develop a chronic symptom profile. An increased sensitivity of the entire gut is […]
Lift Depression
“Feeling Flat. Just Nothing. Can’t be bothered. Would like to curl up and go to sleep. Don’t want to do anything. Not interested. I Don’t Care. Go away.” These are some of the things depressed people say.Depression can descend upon a person for a variety of reasons: death of a loved one; the break-up of […]
Positive Mind Positive Brain Retraining for Weight Loss and Healthy Weight Maintenance
Are You Still Struggling to Lose Weight, Get into Shape, and Maintain it ?Let me help you to unlock the hidden power of your brain so that you can: Finally lose the weight and fat you deserve to loseTake back control and empower yourself to be healthierFeel like “the old you” again with bags of […]

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