


Check out what clients say about how they achieved great results...

The therapeutic relationship forms part of the therapy and you will find me to be friendly, encouraging and professional. But don't take my word for it, read what some of my clients have said about how I helped them to reach their goals, like overcoming anxiety, becoming more confident, losing weight etc.. Without action there is no achievement.

Therapy for insomnia

"I went to Mary to help with night time anxiety and Insomnia. After researching other providers, I felt that Mary was right for my ailments. She provided me with 6 sessions and each one was accompanied with a therapy recording, that I could use at my own leisure. I have seen a significant increase in nights where I do not feel anxious and nights where I get enough sleep. Mary was also willing to help with making me feel more positive about myself and to have a more encouraging disposition." Sam S.

Sleep Well

"Hiya Mary, I just wanted to update you. The sleep tape has worked wonders! I have managed to develop a really good sleep routine and the tape puts me to sleep so well! I started my first day at my new job yesterday and I awoke so refreshed and alert thank you so much xx" Heather

Liberation from Smoking

"It has been two weeks since my session to quit smoking with Mary and what liberation I am feeling. I am finally free of the crutch that was hindering me in so many ways. I have finally moved from dependence to freedom and am overcome with an inner glow of self empowerment. Thank you Mary for providing me with the tools and support for this life changing transition. I would recommend to anyone who felt ready to break free from the chains of smoking." -Chelsea

Update: "6 months smoke free and loving it!" -

Absolutely Amazed!

"Hi Mary, We have just returned from an amazing two weeks holiday in Greece. Usually, on our return I get very low and anxious, getting back to normal. I just have to tell you this, I am absolutely amazed, I am calm, happy, and taking everything in my stride. My husband can't believe it either. We both put it down to the excellent counselling I have had from you. You have changed my life, I can't thank you enough. All the very best." -Jan x

Multiple Problems

“I have just finished a 6 week course with Mary. I went to her through recommendation from a very impressed client. Over the 6 weeks Mary helped me with multiple problems. I felt stronger & more able to cope from the first session. Each week things definitely improved. I would recommend Mary because of the effect she's had not only with me but with my friend also. If you have any issues book an initial appointment I'm sure you will be impressed.” -Jill

Binge eating...

“I've found the session really helpful and affective. This is the first time in years I have felt positive and free from binges and can finally achieve my goals. Binging isn't something I think of now and I feel relieved. I've also found the session so interesting hearing about how the brain works and why we binge. Thank you so much!”


Guilt & PTSD...

“Mary is such a lovely and warm hearted person who is very good at what she does. As soon as I met Mary I felt at ease and comfortable and was able to express my problems. And, I shall be going back for a top up! I would 100% recommend Mary for any problem. Thanks a million Mary.”


Childhood Trauma...

I am so grateful for finding Mary when I did, as I was not in a good place emotionally and mentally. I was a bit apprehensive about having the sessions on ZOOM. With Mary’s relaxed and friendly approach, this turned out not to be a problem.

From my initial chat with Mary, she grasped very quickly the issues I was looking to address. I was amazed by the ease of using the Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) to deal with childhood trauma. I am in a better space and thankfully moving on to a new chapter in my life.

I really enjoyed going into hypnotic state as I listened recordings made for me. Mary was very easy to talk to and professional in her manner, I would definitely recommend her.


Effective therapy...

“I found the course to be very effective & it has helped me tremendously as I did have some issues that I could not overcome myself. I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone, you were very professional & I found you to be very friendly. I cannot thank you enough.”


Straight Forward...

"Mary is an excellent hypnotherapist, straight forward and extremely helpful."


Relaxed Within Minutes...

"Mary is fantastic at what she does. She has a lovely calming voice that makes you feel relaxed within minutes. Professional, competent and nice with it.

I would recommend her to friends and family."


BIGGEST thank you!

"Hi Mary,

I just want to say the BIGGEST thank you. You supported me years ago and recently, you have done wonders for me. I feel like a totally different person and that is because of you!

But also, you have helped my brother-in-law James who has come on leaps and bounds! He came to my house yesterday and was so lovely to see him back to him!! So, thank you so much. You have changed our lives. And I talk about you to a lot of people."


Performance Anxiety...

I started my sessions with terrible performance anxiety, but responded extremely well to the hypnosis, after three sessions I could see a notable difference in the decrease of my anxiety, this showed within my performance! I highly recommend this type of treatment, as I had tried mostly everything to try and lessen my anxiety. I had my doubts as to how effective it would be to start with, but I can confidently say now the original doubts are no longer there.


I just got my results back from the exam I was able to retake, I received an A*! Thank you so much for your sessions, definitely gave me the boost I needed!


Confidence at work...

“I went to Mary for some BWRT for anxiety at work, and it has worked wonders! I realised through talking to Mary that the way I was feeling going into work wasn't helping me be productive, but I seemed to be stuck in this loop of thought. Mary explained how the brain worked, and we did the BWRT. My brain felt a little 'fuzzy' afterwards and I could tell something was happening. Lo and behold, next time I went into work I was remembering I felt all of those things before, but I couldn't access the feelings any longer. Instead, I was feeling confident and was looking forward to getting stuck in. I really enjoy work now. Thank you Mary x”


Driving & toilet anxiety...

“Hypnotherapy and BWRT have really helped me live my life!

I didn't think anyone could help me before I met Mary, I had given up hope. Then my mum told me to try this and I finally took the risk , I am so pleased I did. My Toliet anxiety stopped me travelling, I wouldn't get on a train or do any car trips unless I was driving, it was beating me. I am happy to say with Mary's help I did a 5hr car journey twice! Also a 3hr train journey for a weekend away, there and back. I can not believe how far I have come! I can't thank Mary enough! I would highly recommend this therapy to anyone with anxiety, also she helps me with pain management due to a back problem I have. Thank you so much.”


Zoom Away Anxiety

"I used to have hypnotherapy seasons with Mary face to face when she lived closer to me. I was gutted when she moved away, as she helped me so much with my anxiety and chronic pain. Mary changed my life around and truly is the most caring person. I came out of my shell. Did things I never thought I would do. I hadn’t spoke to Mary for years and starting suffering with serve mental health problems last year with taking a overdose.

I got back in contact with Mary and we started doing sessions over Zoom. This has been amazing! It’s like her being in the room with me, I have the comfort of my own home, feel relaxed and enjoy every session, she is helping me so much and can not thank her enough. Honestly I recommend any one with any mental health issues to see Mary, she is amazing and has a heart of gold. She cares about you and takes her time in every session on your needs. She is understanding and easy to talk to. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help." -Becky

Still no Smoking

"Hi Mary, I hope you are well ..It's 6 months today and still not smoked." -Maxine

"It's one year this month - still no smoking!"


Anxiety & Depression Lifted

“I was recommended to Mary by a friend. At the time I was in a very dark place, suffering from anxiety and deep depression. Just after one session with Mary, I could not believe the difference I felt. As the weeks went by with each session I felt more calm, relaxed and positive. I would not hesitate in recommending Mary to anyone that needs help. She has truly been an inspiration and huge help to me.” -Jan

It's ok to be Skeptical

"I was very skeptical when I contacted Mary, mainly because I have never really believed that hypnosis would help with my issues. However, Mary immediately made me feel at ease, and did not promise me the she would change my world.

However, what she did do was show me a way of coping with my issues on a daily basis using proven techniques and of course the use of hypnosis. I am happy to say, that although I am still a work in progress in a few areas, they are nowhere near as bad as they were. This is thanks to Mary’s easy, relaxed approach, her voice when going into a hypnotic state is very relaxing and easy to listen to. The techniques work if your follow Mary’s guidance. I am happy to recommend Mary, and will continue to use her on an adhoc basis to ensure I stay on top of everything." -Mark

Telephone Therapy

I didn’t want to stop my hypnotherapy sessions after the COVID-19 lockdown announcement. Mary offered my sessions either on-line or via the phone as it worked with other clients. I decided to give it a go and can confirm it’s a success (I’ve now had 2 sessions via phone). If anything, I feel more relaxed as I’m in my own home. The only difference is, Mary will ask me to tell her when my eyes have opened etc as she can’t see me. Besides that, everything feels pretty much the same.” Maria

Back in the Good Health Zone

“I attended a weight loss workshop with Mary which I found to be extremely informative and motivational. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist myself, I truly enjoyed the hypnosis sessions which were relaxing. The very next day, i was up and out for a cycle on my bike, and have been cooking lots more vegetables. My shopping basket was also full of lots more fruit and veg than normal, and I am feeling great. Thank You Mary, you really put me 'back in the good health zone', which I had been struggling to get back into for a year.” -Anne-Marie

...The right thing to do

My visits with Mary were not only very helpful but quite enjoyable, as I found her to be professional, charming and friendly, which certainly put me at my ease! The sessions were not rushed and the emphasis was on what I was looking to achieve and what I needed.

Gearing up to getting this kind of help was fairly daunting, so I'm so glad I found the right person!

It was definitely the right thing to do.        

Howard J

Driving Test Anxiety...

I reached out to Mary around anxieties I had about an upcoming driving test, and with the added pressure of the test being rescheduled due to the pandemic I felt I needed more support outside of my driving lessons.

Mary helped me to calm those anxieties and worries through hypnotherapy sessions, and without those I honestly believe my anxieties would have overcome me on the day of the driving test. Mary understood and empathised with my situation, and most of all helped me to turn those worries into feelings of excitement.

I passed my driving test first time, and have continued to drive confidently since.

Thank you Mary for all your brilliant sessions! X


Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I was apprehensive at first as my anxieties and panic attacks were new to me.

Mary helped me to understand and re work my thinking and now I am back to work and am my old self once again.

She has also helped countless others and some close friends to the family also.

A truly wonderful lady and in a tricky profession, shines brightly.

Thank you again.


Moving Forward...

“Mary initially saw me at a difficult period in my life... through a mix of techniques, Mary helped me to move forward, see more clearly and to change aspects of my life holding me back. She was professional yet personable - I thoroughly recommend Mary’s services!”


No more cravings...

“I enjoyed the hypnotherapy, it was very relaxing and I always felt great afterwards. I learnt to take control of my cravings and keep the image of what I wanted to become in my mind which saw me through my weight loss. What is different is that I no longer have cravings for cakes and desserts and do not feel deprived when eating healthy food. Now I enjoy my healthy meals as much as I enjoyed cream cakes before the hypnotherapy. I’ve lost 1.5 stone and can get into clothes I haven’t worn for 10years. I would and have recommended you to others.”


A more positive state...

“Mary is a very skilled practitioner who helped me in my journey to overcoming my anxieties and destructive thought processes. Mary facilitated a safe and comfortable environment, which was conducive to making the changes necessary.

I was delighted and amazed by the changes in my feelings and behaviour to a more positive state, which now makes my life more enjoyable!”


Debilitating anxiety...

“While I was on holidays I did not have any problem, no anxiety at all. When I got back to the UK I went to Central London with my family (that was the biggest test ) and I managed to control my thoughts and anxieties during the journey. I have been walking and driving also without any problems. Sometimes the thought comes to my head, but using the techniques that I have learned from you, I manage to keep things under control. So for now, fingers crossed, everything is OK. Any negative change and I will contact you immediately.”


The Day my Healing Truly Began

"In the last 6 years I have tried multiple self help books, read psychology papers, tried different practices and techniques. Nothing worked for me until I met Mary. That was the day my healing truly began." -Lexie

It all came Easy!

"I would definitely recommend Mary for hypnotherapy for weight loss. Since starting the sessions it changed my outlook on food and really made me think about what I was eating and when I was eating it. The weight started coming off and I really felt like I wasn’t trying and it all came easy. I still feel like I enjoy food and am not restricted about what I eat, I just know about making better choices and not to eat for the sake of eating." -Holly

I can...and I did!

"Can't recommend Mary enough. She understood me straight away and made me understand that I Can make changes to improve my wellbeing. And I did. She helped me a lot! Thank you so much." -Rasa

Bird Phobia Gone!

"Mary helped me with a fear of birds flapping using BWRT. The session was done over Skype/Zoom and I feel was as effective as if I was with her in person. Mary is very knowledgeable and was easily able to pinpoint my issue. Years later I am free of the panic and emotional response from a flapping bird, now they just cause me to notice them without a negative response. I feel calm and relaxed. Thank you Mary 10/10." -Helen

Driving Anxiety

"I’m really pleased to inform you that I’m driving and I’m doing well !! It feels so good to fight this monster and win. I believe that you’ve helped me with this a lot." -Klaudia

Passed my Exam!

"I really enjoyed the sessions. They gave me the space I needed to manage my anxiety. I can honestly say that if it were not for these sessions I would have panicked and failed, because staying calm allowed me to think clearly - I passed by 3 marks and I am over the moon!" -Nikki

Overcoming Depression - A million times better!

"Hi Mary, I just wanted to email you to thank you for everything you did to help me overcome my depression and anxiety quite a few months back. I have noticed now that I am a MILLION times better. I am off all of my medication now.

I went to see my GP yesterday for something else and he asked how I'm getting on with my mood. I said amazing and he could even see the difference. He asked me what I thought 'fixed' me and I said that I had BWRT with you and it worked so so well. To the point of him now saying he is going to advise his patients of it! I hope you don't mind, but I passed on your name and the treatment that we did.

So, again.. I just wanted to say thank you so so so much for all your hard work and for fixing me. Thanks!" -Tasha

Back in Control

"Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding....Great outcome from your visits...made me feel back in Control of life...Reaffirming the inner peace of the mind and enabling a positive stance on life...Thank you."


Life worth living - no more nightmares!

"A huge thank you for making my life worth living!

It’s so lovely to feel calm and not angry, not forgetting the lack of nightmares every night! I began to think I’d never get off tranquillisers but thanks to you I am!

I was looking for someone like you for many, many years - glad I eventually found you! Keep up the kind work.

Lots of thankful Love, xxx"

- Janet.

Attention Deficit Disorder and Chronic Anxiety...

“I cannot thank Mary enough for all the help that she has given me. She is an amazing BWRT practioner as well as a very talented hypnotherapist. The BWRT sessions that Mary has done with me have been extremely effective in helping me cope better with my Attention Deficit Disorder and associated anxiety. For all of my life I have faced many difficult challenges due to having Attention Deficit Disorder which includes disorganisation, impulsiveness, the inability to focus, procrastination and chronic lateness. I have always had very low self esteem and I often feel like life is just one big hurdle after another. At times I have found juggling my own mental illness as well as being a single mother to a young child to be quite overwhelming. My chronic lateness and disorganisation meant that on most days trying to get my daughter to school on time was a losing battle and no matter how hard I tried to get her there on time we would always be late. This generated a lot of guilt, anxiety and frustration in me and made me feel like I was failing my child. I finally decided that I needed help with this as I felt too overwhelmed to face the situation alone.

I can honestly say that contacting Mary at Inner Space Therapies is without a doubt one of the best decisions I have ever made. On our first meeting on Skype Mary made me feel so comfortable and relaxed and I found her very easy to talk to. I felt that I was really able to open up about my problems in complete confidence and without the fear of being judged. After having just a few sessions of BWRT with Mary I could start to see amazing results. I couldn't believe it when one morning soon after one of our BWRT sessions I woke up full of energy and managed to do all my morning chores before it was even time for my daughter to wake up for school. By the time my daughter was awake I was already up and dressed and ready to go. That morning we made it to the school not only on time but we were the first ones there. That was about three months ago now and we have not been late since. I have a lot of faith in Mary's work and would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone. If you are in any doubt as to whether Inner Space Therapies would help you, I would definitely say go for it and see how it can change your life for the better.”


Ongoing changes...

“Following a long weekend away with my wife I weighed in and had gained 8 pounds in four days, it was at this point after years of Yo Yo diets I decided I needed professional help. Many years previous I had successfully stopped smoking via Hypnotherapy so I scanned the Internet for a local Therapist and was lucky enough to find Mary Bowmer. It was at this point my life changed for the better and has continued to get better ever since. Mary assessed my problems during a very long phone call (with no charge) it was immediately apparent that I had found the right person to help me.

To cut a long story short when I met Mary 10 weeks ago I was 4 stone overweight, up to date I have lost 32 pounds and still progressing at an average of 2 pounds per week. Unbelievably I am not on a diet, I eat and drink what I want when I want but I do carry out portion control to maintain the weight loss. Mary did not physically remove over 2 stone of fat from my body and Mary did not wave a magic wand at me, I did it myself, fat old Andy did it. What Mary did was supply the information and tools required for me to succeed, I do not have enough words to express how grateful I am to this Lady. Mary has my contact phone number and I am more than willing to speak to anybody who wants a reference for Mary.”


Weight loss programme..

“Following a long weekend away with my wife I weighed in and had gained 8 pounds in four days, it was at this point after years of Yo Yo diets I decided I needed professional help. Many years previous I had successfully stopped smoking via Hypnotherapy so I scanned the Internet for a local Therapist and was lucky enough to find Mary Bowmer. It was at this point my life changed for the better and has continued to get better ever since. Mary assessed my problems during a very long phone call (with no charge) it was immediately apparent that I had found the right person to help me.

To cut a long story short when I met Mary 10 weeks ago I was 4 stone overweight, up to date I have lost 32 pounds and still progressing at an average of 2 pounds per week. Unbelievably I am not on a diet, I eat and drink what I want when I want but I do carry out portion control to maintain the weight loss. Mary did not physically remove over 2 stone of fat from my body and Mary did not wave a magic wand at me, I did it myself, fat old Andy did it. What Mary did was supply the information and tools required for me to succeed, I do not have enough words to express how grateful I am to this Lady. Mary has my contact phone number and I am more than willing to speak to anybody who wants a reference for Mary.”

Andy, aged Fifty Four and Three Quarters

Overcoming Bruxism...

“I originally went to see Mary as frankly, I had had enough of grinding my teeth whilst I sleep. Suffering from bruxism for over 10 years I have had to wear a gum shield every night. My grinding had gotten so bad though that it was disturbing my sleep, leaving me feeling constantly tired throughout the day and my jaw aching terribly.

Mary spent time getting to know me and more importantly, understand the way I think and behave. This I think enabled her to focus in on the root causes and in just one session, deal with them accordingly. The subsequent night saw me have the most restful sleep I had had for years.

I have been so impressed that I have continued to see Mary, both to deal with some other issues I have wanted to address, and just to have some high quality, deep relaxation sessions. I always leave the sessions full of confidence and energy, to the point that I would swear I am standing a few inches taller!

What impresses me most though is that for each session it is clear that Mary has invested a considerable amount of time beforehand, working on programs that are tailored specifically to me. For me, the positive results speak for themselves.”

H.P. Milton Keynes


“Mary, I would like to say thank you for all your help over the short period I have known you. I have struggled with my weight loss for many years along with many resulting problems associated with being overweight, I have tried most weight lost programs at some stage in my life which only resulted in weight gain. Not only am I feeling healthy I feel better in myself, clothes that I bought hoping to fit into (in my dreams) now fit and some will NEVER fit me again as they are TOOOO BIG, the strain on my back has eased resulting in less medication, the acid reflux is almost non-existent now. All the above has been gained without feeling deprived or unhappy, my life style has not changed just the way and what I eat, something that sounds so simple which is extremely difficult in practice has become a basic way of life for me, like the man teaching us to cross the road STOP, LOOK, LISTEN to yourself before you eat something. You have given me the tools to help me succeed and my family and I are eternally grateful for your help.”


Health Anxiety...

“I contacted Mary Bowmer on the off chance as I was suffering quite badly with health anxiety, PTSD symptoms, after having breast cancer 7 years ago. Mary replied promptly, assuring me that she had indeed been able to help people with similar issues. My first appointment was long and very in-depth, but very insightful. I went with an open mind as I have never done anything like this before. The questions were strange but fun, and I felt relaxed enough to give straight honest answers. We then went on to the BWRT part, again I was not sure what to expect, and if I am honest again, it did feel very weird and took me a while to process it all. I had intended to discuss everything I had done with everyone in the world after, but as soon as the session had finished, I told Mary this, yet now, I felt that I wanted to actually keep it to myself to digest for a while, as it's hard to do it justice to start with.

I was given homework to do through the week which helps to keep you focused, and also to analyse things a bit more, Mary goes through this the following week, whilst checking, through questions again, you're wellbeing. There were times when I thought I am not actually sure how this will help me the next time I have a big anxiety attack, but on the 4th and final session it all came together. I understood its power, the power of visualization and understanding. I always came out very thirsty strangely enough, with a head full of images, yet unable to remember a thing I had done for a while, if that makes sense.

I would highly recommend Mary for anyone who is looking for this kind of therapy. Mary’s manner, approach and knowledge are second to none. Mary also sent me a link for a meditation hypnotherapy session, which I often listen to, and still I haven't managed to hear the end as I fall fast asleep. Many thanks Mary, I'm sure I will be contacting you again at some point for a top up!”


My life had become too difficult for me to manage

I find it hard to put into words how much Mary has meant to my life. I am lucky that I was able to find her. I have always been quite cynical when it comes to any form of counselling or hypnotherapy. My family persuaded me to go and see Mary or take the medication the doctor had prescribed. I chose Mary and after the first session I had to give up my cynicism and after a few more sessions knew that Mary was the only drug I needed to get me back to myself. My life had become too difficult for me to manage. This was a shock to me as I had always been ‘the strong one’, ‘the great mother’, ‘made of tough stuff’. However, due to a build-up over time of such stressful situations with my son and grandson and supporting them through really horrendous, painful times and juggling a very demanding job, I broke. I understand now what that ‘I’m broken’ really means. At work, I broke – 3 hours of my life – didn’t know where I was or what I was doing apart from crying and rocking. Mary’s magic (corny – I know, but true!) put me back together; gave me my resilience back and retrained my brain to carry on and cope with what life throws at you. Mary is the most generous, serene, patient, wise and incredibly skilful in her field. The ‘brain retraining’ was intense and it worked like nothing I have ever experienced or expected. Through a mix of counselling, hypnotherapy and brain retraining Mary has equipped me with simple but effective strategies to regroup my resilience and hold onto my calm, when life gets painful. I can’t recommend Mary highly enough. She saved me.


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