Say no to diets, change your mindset change your life.
- Healthy happy attitudes – insistence, persistence, commitment;
- Healthy happy body – movement, activity, body confidence;
- Healthy happy choices – delicious, nutritious, satisfying, rewarding natural food;
- Healthy happy company – spending quality time with family, friends and loved ones;
- Healthy happy desires – tell me what you want, what you really, really, really want;
- Healthy happy dialog– saying hello, thank you, yes, no, see you later, goodbye;
- Healthy happy mind – positive thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and aspirations;
- Healthy happy relationship with food – fuel for the body, freedom for the mind;
- Healthy happy skills – stress management, emotional resilience, mindfulness and more;
- Healthy happy words – I can, I love, I believe, I am;
- All decisions are made inside your mind. Your brain controls your thoughts, habits, behaviours and attitudes. Over 80% of your brain is below the level of conscious awareness this is why it’s called the subconscious. We work with conscious and subconscious processes.
- Metabolism is not fixed – if you have ever dieted in the past, your metabolism will have been altered as the brain fears starvation. This process can be reversed.
- Neutralise the dopamine hijack of cravings and free yourself from being controlled by foods that are sabotaging your health.
- It's time to let go of guilt, shame, self-criticism and celebrate who you are and who you are becoming.
- Find a natural weight that suits your body type. Dive down deep beneath the surface, underneath your clothes, behind the excess fat, and there you are - beautiful and free!
- No more bingeing, freedom to eat what you want when you want it.
- Discover more energy, motivation, confidence and happiness.
- Reprogramme your mind using hypnosis, BWRT (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy) and other psychological techniques.