Be brave.
No matter how hard it is.
You can do this.
You have overcome many challenges before.
This is just a bigger one.
You are not alone in this.
What does freedom mean to you?
Imagine being free.
Use the power of visualisation.
See yourself liberated.
Free from the chains of suffering.
What would you do?
How would you live your life?
How good would it feel to know that you did it?
10 Steps to Be Brave and Break Free from the chains of addiction.
- Let it go - don’t let the past spoil the present. Regrets only take up room in your head. Make the most of today so you can look back on it with pride. Where attention goes, energy flows. Focus on what you really want.
- Ignore them - don’t listen to other people. Live a life that empowers you, according to your values. Other people are not in your body, they are not in your head, they don’t have the reasons you have to be strong.
- Give it time - time heals everything. Be patient with yourself and show yourself compassion. Know that you are loved. There is only now, look around you and find joy in the small things, bigger joys are coming.
- Don’t compare yourself to others - the only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Nurture the seeds of success in the garden of your mind. Water them with love. Feed them with encouraging words. Pull the weeds.
- Stay calm - you don’t have to have everything worked out now, you will figure it out one step at a time. Manage your state of mind and emotions. Be aware of the power of thoughts.
- There is only you. You are the only one in charge. Give yourself permission to break out of the old story. Take ownership, be responsible, one day you will look back on this time and see that you got through it.
- Choose a path and commit. Be determined. You are at a fork in the road now. The path on the left is just the same old story. The path on the right is the right path, the sun is shining there. This is the way through. Choose the right path.
- Remember there is no safety net. There is no magic wand, no magic pill, and yet there is the power of love, connection, resilience, determination, hope and optimism.
- Your brain is capable of change. It is not fixed in concrete. It is programmed by the past, it just repeats patterns, it can be rewired. You have to update the software in your head if you want to overwrite the old story.
- Smile now - life is short, be grateful for your wonderful life and believe in yourself.
If you need help, get in touch with me or another trained professional.