
Anger Management

Anger is a powerful state. It is a very normal, often healthy, human emotion and most people have experienced it at some point during their life. As a child, we learn how to express this emotion in either a healthy or an unhealthy way.

When anger is mismanaged or out of control, we cause problems for ourselves and others. The consequence of unhealthy anger are many, including damaging our health, our relationships, causing problems at work with colleagues, domestic abuse and family disharmony, road rage, violence. Anger can negatively affect the overall quality of an individual’s life and often the lives of others around them.

Benefits of Anger Management

  • Feel more in control
  • Slow down the process from stimulus to action
  • Choose a better way of dealing with things
  • Communicate your needs effectively
  • Learn how to recognise and talk about things that frustrate you
  • Reduce stress
  • Find inner calm
  • Turn the energy of anger into positive energy that is useful
  • Take responsibility for yourself and your actions

Anger Can Be Frightening

Being at the wrong end of an angry individual can be quite frightening. Anger causes physical changes to occur in a flash such as increased heart rate and blood pressure; adrenalin is pumped through the body as the fight or flight response is turned on. Tension builds up like a pressure cooker and the individual will need to express this anger and let off steam or suppress the anger and keep it inside. Releasing this tension either verbally or physically is the usual response. Suppressed anger usually leads to a build up of unexpressed emotions causing the person to “explode” when something minor crosses their path. Like the last straw to break the camel’s back. Such an explosive outburst can be harmful to the individual and to those in the firing line. Sometimes people go too far and cause too much damage.

Learn to Notice The Signs of Anger

  • aggressive behaviour
  • clenched jaw
  • explosive outbursts
  • hostility
  • social withdrawal due to anger
  • tense muscles
  • verbal or physical abuse

Causes of Anger

Anger has three components – thoughts, bodily reactions and expression.

Anger can be triggered in an instant or it can simmer away under the surface.

Some of the most common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, threats, annoyance, harassment and disappointment. Also physical causes like fatigue, hunger, hormonal conditions and sexual frustration.

Each person has their own tolerance level and react to situations in their own way.

Our Anger Management Programme Works

We use advanced techniques that work in the subconscious part of the brain, neutralising the triggers that cause destructive anger.

We also teach how to programme your mind with some constructive principles:

  • that we don’t have to respond with anger when things are not to our liking
  • how to examine the way we think about a perceived threat
  • how to process what’s going on physically, mentally and emotionally
  • how to remain calm when things go wrong
  • how to express ourselves in a positive assertive way
  • how to recognise our needs and the needs of others
  • how to control emotional arousal
  • how to remain clear headed so that we can respond effectively

Retrain Your Brain to Make A Better Choice

By accessing the subconscious mind, we can help you to deal with things in a calmer, more relaxed and effective way.

We can disable the triggers that cause an angry outburst and retrain the neural pathways to make a better choice.

Don’t let anger spoil your life or the life of your loved ones.

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Complimentary Audio

Hypnotherapy and BWRT for Milton Keynes | Hypnotherapy for anxiety

As a thank you for attending the Discovery Session, we offer a free relaxation audio so you can start to feel better straight away.


The Discovery Session

Hypnotherapy and BWRT for Milton Keynes | Hypnotherapy for anxiety

FREE: You can book a free telephone conversation to make contact, discuss the issue, and see if I can help.

£50: A one-hour Discovery Session is more in depth and we look at what’s going on at a deeper level. We look at ways to help you overcome the challenges you are facing. You can relax, feel comfortable and ask any questions you want. Help and guidance is always at hand.

The purpose of the Discovery Session is to:

Identify the problem
We look at the complexities of the problem and the challenges you are facing
Establish your desired outcome
We clarify what you really want, and what success would look like to you
Discover the blocks that are standing in your way
We explore what might be happening at a sub-conscious level that keeps you stuck and what needs to happen to get you un-stuck
Find a Solution
We look at solutions and discuss the methods to get you where you want to go
Create a Winning Strategy and Build a Roadmap to Success
Together we create a solution focused strategy so you can achieve your goal in the best way possible.