
Hypnotic Journey to the Snowy Mountains

Whilst you are taking some time out, floating in a most peculiar way, drifting and dreaming, your brain has the ability to do some sorting out, decluttering and reorganising things in the background, so you can return to balance and harmony with a renewed sense of purpose, optimism and energy.
Problems, worries or stress causes clutter in the mind. When we get a bit overwhelmed we can’t think straight. It’s a bit like going into a cluttered room and there is stuff all over the floor. The energy doesn’t flow, and we keep tripping up on the rubbish.
Hypnosis can take you on journey, anywhere you would like to go, whilst your brain gets to work in the background, reprocessing information, filing things in the right order, archiving, updating and deleting. It helps you to get on with the important things in life feeling relaxed and confident.
Fancy a trip over the snowy mountains? it doesn’t take long to get there. The journey is pleasant. There is a lovely cottage at the edge of the lake. It’s a great place to relax and recharge your batteries.
In person or online, time and space are easily managed.
Where would you like hypnosis to take you?
Book your free consultation and find out more about the benefits of hypnosis.

Mind Wandering

Mind wandering is essential for a healthy brain.
We all do it naturally but it can be most rewarding to plan it into the day.
The Default Mode Network (DMN) also know as The Imagination Network, is about introspection. This is a part of the brain that looks at different ways to predict positive or negative outcomes and come up with solutions and ideas. It’s also involved in the storage of memories.
Neuroscience researcher, Mark Waldman, suggests that we need to spend half of our time in the DNM (imagination centre) and half in the thinking brain. He recommends 3 X 60-seconds of mindfulness exercises, per hour, throughout the working day.
Taking time out to let your mind wander or daydream a few times an hour is just as important as focusing on a task. In fact, staying focused for too long is counterproductive and can lead to mental fatigue.
A little bit of distraction is actually good for you. Every 20 minutes or so, take a few moments out to pause from your focussed attention. Become aware of where you are sitting, your posture and what you are doing. Look around you and then take a deep breath or yawn, stretch, relax, and shift your attention to an inner value, something you appreciate, something fun or silly, or just be mindful.
Find a happy balance. Too much time spent in the DMN can cause procrastination and even lead to anxiety or depression, so perhaps little and often is best.
It only takes a minute – let your imagination be free to wander down the pathway of your imagination and switch on those elevated emotions.