
Ease Away Anxiety

Do you struggle with anxiety or panic attacks?
Does it sometimes feel uncontrollable?
Does anxiety spoil your life?

Understanding anxiety helps. If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, you are not alone. According to anxiety UK, 1 in 6 people suffer from anxiety and 1 in 10 people have a debilitating anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can be seen as a normal and useful emotion designed as a warning to protect us from danger. It can also be seen as a focusing mechanism to pay attention to what’s going on around us. People usually associate anxiety as a negative state to be in. It can manifest as a gut feeling, a sense that something is wrong, a feeling that we need to get away or run from a situation.

Fight Flight or FREEZE

Faced with a real threat to survival, stress hormones kick in and take over, so we can fight back or run away from danger. Unfortunately, sometimes the result is sheer panic as the body freezes and the mind is flooded with thoughts of disaster.

A normal amount of anxiety is a helpful emotion as it can focus your mind and help you to prepare for events ahead as well as improving your performance, just as an actor about to go on stage may feel the sensation of nerves as he/she gets ready to perform in front of an audience. Then, once the actor is there on stage, the “part” takes over and the actor forgets all about feeling nervous. In this case, anxiety has been used as a primer and it has done its job effectively. Most famous actors report feeling anxiety before performing.

Understanding anxiety helps us to deal with it more effectively

Anxiety is a conditioned response, it is activated before we know it, triggering an unconscious biological response that manifests in the body when there is perceived danger – physical, psychological or emotional. It can be triggered by thoughts, memories, worries, sub-conscious beliefs and/or past experiences or something in the environment.

The first time you experience an anxiety or panic attack, it may be very frightening and some people think they are having a heart attack. Many people go to hospital thinking the worst but are reassured it’s anxiety. Even though it’s scary, no-one has ever died as a result of anxiety.

Anxiety can spoil your life in a number of ways and you might be familiar with some of these:

  • worrying a lot
  • a sense of dread that doesn’t make sense
  • a pounding heart
  • irregular breathing or shortness of breath
  • a tight nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach
  • feeling sick or getting sick
  • weakness or jelly legs
  • can’t think straight
  • tunnel vision
  • a desire to run away
  • wanting to avoid something
  • fearing the next anxiety attack

These are common symptoms of anxiety that are completely natural and are triggered by the part of your brain responsible for survival.

If anxiety becomes severe and intense in a normal day, it is no longer useful, it reduces the quality and enjoyment of life. At this point the anxiety has become disproportionate. If you feel a lot more anxious than another person would in the same circumstances you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Panic Attacks all have anxiety symptoms at their core

Anxiety is a bit like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel the effects of it.

It is created in the brain and it has an effect on your entire system.

Anxiety is not your fault. It can happen to anyone.

Our programme teaches you how to take control of anxiety so it doesn’t control you.

The Brain Holds The Key

We use the latest techniques in neuro-psychotherapy to reprogramme your mind for success, removing or significantly reducing the symptoms of anxiety and building your self-confidence. We work with the early part of the brain, where anxiety is created. Our techniques work from the inside out.

You will also learn:

  • The neuroscience behind anxiety and how to control it
  • Specific skills and techniques that disable anxiety
  • How to stop negative thinking patterns
  • What to do if you are under pressure
  • How to manage stress
  • Physical relaxation
  • Mental calmness
  • Emotional resilience
  • How to find inner peace

This empowering programme runs over a number of weeks, includes support audios and exercises to reinforce the work we do in the session.

“I’m not afraid of storms for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”

Louisa May Alcott (1868)

When YOU KNOW YOU ARE READY TO CHANGE, the desire to change is greater than the desire to stay the same.

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Anxious about being anxious?

Often, the fear of having an anxiety attack brings on even more anxiety and so it becomes a vicious circle. This is called ANXIETY EXPECTANCY . It’s a fear of experiencing fear.

We teach you the cognitive principles to overcome anxiety and help you to live a balanced emotional life without having to worry about when anxiety is going to strike next.


Phobias can be about anything. By nature they are irrational.

Some people however know exactly when an attack is going to happen, they can give a blow by blow account of what will take place when a phobic response is triggered by a certain stimulus, for example public speaking, driving on the motorway or seeing a spider.

Phobias are extreme forms of anxiety. A phobia is characterised by an overwhelming fear or dread of certain objects, animals, events or situations. The phobic person may understand that it’s an irrational fear but feels completely powerless to control it.

The symptoms of a phobic response can include sweating, trembling, feelings faint or dizzy, nausea, palpitations, hyperventilation and panic attack. It can be accompanied by a huge amount of embarrassment so people often go to great lengths to avoid being in any situation where they are likely to experience a phobic reaction or panic attack.

Some Common phobias

Agoraphobia – fear of open spaces;
Arachnophobia – fear of spiders;
Dentophobia – fear of dentists or dental procedures;
Hydrophobia – fear of water;
Trypanophobia – fear of needles;
Xenophobia – fear of strangers or foreigners;
Zoophobia – fear of animals

Our programme is a completely safe and natural way of dealing with all types of anxiety

We use special processes to make contact with your subconscious mind, the part of the brain that is below conscious awareness, the source of many limiting beliefs and also the source of great strength and untapped potential.

Many people find that they can overcome anxiety in a few short sessions as they learn to reprogramme the subconscious mind to work for them utilizing the skills and practices they are taught during the session.

Free your mind from unwanted anxieties and enjoy life more. Get in touch if you want to find out how.
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Deep Relax

Hypnotherapy is not just about therapy, you can give yourself the gift of a mental massage. My Deep Relax hypnotherapy session is designed to help you to switch off the hormones of stress, relax to a deeper level, let go of worries and take a break from the concerns of daily life.

We live in a time of uncertainty and the pace of life seems to get faster each day. There are more demands upon us than ever before which can cause us to feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes.

My Deep Relax Hypnotherapy session is beneficial to mind, body and spirit, recharging your batteries, restoring a sense of inner calm, balance and harmony and soothing your mind and your nerves.

You can book a Deep Relax session as a stand-alone session or as part of a package.

Why not book yourself a treat or give someone else the gift of a Deep Relax Hypnotherapy session.


Anger Management

Anger is a powerful state. It is a very normal, often healthy, human emotion and most people have experienced it at some point during their life. As a child, we learn how to express this emotion in either a healthy or an unhealthy way.

When anger is mismanaged or out of control, we cause problems for ourselves and others. The consequence of unhealthy anger are many, including damaging our health, our relationships, causing problems at work with colleagues, domestic abuse and family disharmony, road rage, violence. Anger can negatively affect the overall quality of an individual’s life and often the lives of others around them.

Benefits of Anger Management

  • Feel more in control
  • Slow down the process from stimulus to action
  • Choose a better way of dealing with things
  • Communicate your needs effectively
  • Learn how to recognise and talk about things that frustrate you
  • Reduce stress
  • Find inner calm
  • Turn the energy of anger into positive energy that is useful
  • Take responsibility for yourself and your actions

Anger Can Be Frightening

Being at the wrong end of an angry individual can be quite frightening. Anger causes physical changes to occur in a flash such as increased heart rate and blood pressure; adrenalin is pumped through the body as the fight or flight response is turned on. Tension builds up like a pressure cooker and the individual will need to express this anger and let off steam or suppress the anger and keep it inside. Releasing this tension either verbally or physically is the usual response. Suppressed anger usually leads to a build up of unexpressed emotions causing the person to “explode” when something minor crosses their path. Like the last straw to break the camel’s back. Such an explosive outburst can be harmful to the individual and to those in the firing line. Sometimes people go too far and cause too much damage.

Learn to Notice The Signs of Anger

  • aggressive behaviour
  • clenched jaw
  • explosive outbursts
  • hostility
  • social withdrawal due to anger
  • tense muscles
  • verbal or physical abuse

Causes of Anger

Anger has three components – thoughts, bodily reactions and expression.

Anger can be triggered in an instant or it can simmer away under the surface.

Some of the most common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, threats, annoyance, harassment and disappointment. Also physical causes like fatigue, hunger, hormonal conditions and sexual frustration.

Each person has their own tolerance level and react to situations in their own way.

Our Anger Management Programme Works

We use advanced techniques that work in the subconscious part of the brain, neutralising the triggers that cause destructive anger.

We also teach how to programme your mind with some constructive principles:

  • that we don’t have to respond with anger when things are not to our liking
  • how to examine the way we think about a perceived threat
  • how to process what’s going on physically, mentally and emotionally
  • how to remain calm when things go wrong
  • how to express ourselves in a positive assertive way
  • how to recognise our needs and the needs of others
  • how to control emotional arousal
  • how to remain clear headed so that we can respond effectively

Retrain Your Brain to Make A Better Choice

By accessing the subconscious mind, we can help you to deal with things in a calmer, more relaxed and effective way.

We can disable the triggers that cause an angry outburst and retrain the neural pathways to make a better choice.

Don’t let anger spoil your life or the life of your loved ones.

Contact Us Now


Complimentary Audio

Hypnotherapy and BWRT for Milton Keynes | Hypnotherapy for anxiety

As a thank you for attending the Discovery Session, we offer a free relaxation audio so you can start to feel better straight away.


The Discovery Session

Hypnotherapy and BWRT for Milton Keynes | Hypnotherapy for anxiety

FREE: You can book a free telephone conversation to make contact, discuss the issue, and see if I can help.

£50: A one-hour Discovery Session is more in depth and we look at what’s going on at a deeper level. We look at ways to help you overcome the challenges you are facing. You can relax, feel comfortable and ask any questions you want. Help and guidance is always at hand.

The purpose of the Discovery Session is to:

Identify the problem
We look at the complexities of the problem and the challenges you are facing
Establish your desired outcome
We clarify what you really want, and what success would look like to you
Discover the blocks that are standing in your way
We explore what might be happening at a sub-conscious level that keeps you stuck and what needs to happen to get you un-stuck
Find a Solution
We look at solutions and discuss the methods to get you where you want to go
Create a Winning Strategy and Build a Roadmap to Success
Together we create a solution focused strategy so you can achieve your goal in the best way possible.